Jimmy Fallon hit it big this week with viewers and critics as the new host of The Tonight Show. The ratings have been good, the sketches have gone viral, and the guest list has been incredible. With an average of 7 million viewers each night, the whirlwind week has been every NBC exec’s dream come true. The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon stays true to its Late Night roots with sketches showcasing Fallon’s musical talent, SNL-quality celebrity impersonations, and endearingly awkward interview skills.

Only one week in and Fallon has already welcomed Will Smith, Kristen Wiig, Jerry Seinfeld, U2, Lady Gaga, and First Lady Michelle Obama – just to name a few. Tonight he tops it off with BFF Justin Timberlake’s first appearance, which is always a guaranteed win. It’s been proven that these two can’t get together without giving the internet multiple orgasms.

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Here are our 5 favorite moments from the first week of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon:

The Ragtime Gals: Ignition (Remix): After a swift outfit change, Fallon came out on stage with a barbershop quartet for a remix of R. Kelly’s “Ignition” that blew the original out of the water.

Jerry Seinfeld and Jimmy Doing Jerry Seinfeld: In one of many hilarious yet cutest-moment-ever segments this week, Fallon interviews Seinfeld. He can’t help but imitate Seinfeld’s voice and we’re left with two laughing Jerrys talking over each other.

Brian Williams Raps “Rapper’s Delight”: This video of news anchor Brian Williams aired on Wednesday night’s episode and went viral soon after. The internet was invented for this kind of amazing.

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#Hashtag2 with Jonah Hill: So it wasn’t Justin Timberlake in this one, it was Jonah Hill. But it was still good and one of the week’s best sketches.

Kristen Wiig as Harry Styles: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon is turning out to be a crash pad for SNL alumni, and we’re okay with that. Wiig made her appearance as Styles from the boyband One Direction, and stayed true to character the whole time.

Jimmy Fallon might not be the best talk show host by conventional standards, but his guests just seem to be having a great time hanging out with him. It was a good week to be Jimmy Fallon. Let’s see how Seth Meyers compares next week when he makes his debut on Late Night.

You might also like: The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and every New York celebrity ever

For more comedy, watch Kevin Pollak’s Chat Show on FilmOn:

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