Oh wow, this is all getting a little cray cray. Ginger Clam is more excited than Hasselhoff in a gin joint…
Like the hot girl getting fought over at school, Kylie Jenner is sparking mayhem with sex tape rumours and multi-million-dollar bids.
The latest war of words was sparked streetside in LA. Adult supremo Steve Hirsch jumped from his car to tell TMZ cameras that if Kylie did a sex tape deal with his company Vivid “she could make a ton of money”. The mogul then controversially claimed that the millions made from a Kylie sex tape would blast sister Kim’s filthy flick fortune out of the water!
Hirsch also said that porn baron rival Larry Flynt had slated Vivid’s $10,000,000 estimate because Flynt was bitter about a business deal from years ago! Apparently Vivid humped Flynt on another bid and it has left veteran horndog Flynt with his nose / dong out of joint.
Ginger Clam owes Hirsch a huge debt of gratitude because the naughty little bugger is to thank for Kim Kardashian’s historic sex tape hitting the public realm. Clam has watched the stunning footage 437 times and it gets better with every viewing.
For the record, Flynt publicly slammed Vivid’s big money offer to Kylie last week, saying the sexy Kardashian was worth no more than $2 million.
Purely for journalistic purposes, Ginger Clam has just been studying pictures of Kylie’s knockout body all morning and thinks anything less than $90 billion is a travesty. Jenner Junior is hotter than Oprah’s pants after a hot chilli curry.
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