The Oscar nominations are out and the Internet is abuzz with discussion of who did well, who got snubbed, and how the final nominations matched everyone’s predictions. Here’s a recap of how TV Mix saw the 9 Best Picture nominees in their run-up to nominations day.

12 Years a Slave
The slavery epic 12 Years a Slave was always one of the frontrunners for the big prize and has picked a grand total of nine nominations, including a directing nomination for Steve McQueen along with nominations for Best Actor for leading man Chiwetel Ejiofor and Best Actress for Lupita Nyong’o. Nyong’o has already seen success off the back of Slave, having been chosen as the face of design house Miu Miu’s Spring collection (Read the TV Mix take here). The strangest news to come from the film must however go to producer Arnon Milchan‘s public admission that he had spied for Israel for over two decades, including during while he was already a Hollywood producer. (Read here.)

American Hustle
David O. Russell‘s American Hustle  was another strong contender, having stormed Hollywood with relentless campaigning. (Recapped here). Of course, it came from director Russell, who’s seen awards success over the last few years with Silver Linings Playbook and The Fighter but hasn’t yet picked up the big prize. Jennifer Lawrence, who picked up the Best Actress gong last year for Russell’s Silver Linings Playbook, has already won Best Supporting Actrees at the Golden Globes (Read here) while Amy Adams collected the Best Actress award  – both have found themselves in the same categories for the Oscars. The film is also a frontrunner for Best Costume Design, seeing huge praise for its outfits, designed by none other than the creator of the next Batman suit, as our staff detailed in an interview with Michael Wilkison. (Read the TV Mix interview).

The Wolf of Wall Street
Thanks to some infamously raucous and dirty action (You’re going to want to read just how dirty here), The Wolf of Wall Street has seen no shortage of coverage over the last few months. We’ve seen actress Maria Di Angelis dish the dirt on filming that orgy scene (Revisit that here), Margot Robbie admit to slapping Leo Di Caprio (Read here), and the man whose life the film is based on, Jordan Belfort, attempt to get his own reality TV show. Somehow, amidst all of that noise, DiCaprio still managed to create buzz for his Best Actor chances – alongside Jonah Hill with a Best Supporting Actor nod that may surprise some fans more used to his roles in films like Superbad.

Captain Phillips
There was plenty of buzz around Tom Hanks‘ chances of nabbing not one, but two Best Actor nominations ( TV Mix assessed his chances here), for his roles in Captain Phillips and Saving Mr. Banks. Plenty of people will be surprised then that he hasn’t been nominated for either film, and that only Captain Phillips even made it into the Best Picture category, which is sure to be a disappointment for Hanks.

After sitting on top of the box office for weeks and grabbing 5-star reviews almost across the board, everyone expected Gravity to be that rare thing – a sci-fi film with serious Best Picture chances. Its nomination is no real surprise then, and nor is Sandra Bullock‘s Best Actress nom – though George Clooney may be disappointed that he didn’t make it into the Supporting Actor category. Gravity picked up an astonishing ten nominations overall, though most of these came from the various technical categories. Let’s just hope that Gravity‘s success doesn’t spell the end for Nasa as TV Mix columnist Christina Wolfgram predicted in October. (Read here).

Spike Jonze‘s latest, Her, sees Joaquin Phoenix play a man falling in love with an operating system, voiced by Scarlett Johansson. The film left our writer Sarah Crow worrying about our own partners and trying to figure out if they were cheating on us with smartphones. (Read here).

Meanwhile, British production Philomena saw lots of awards buzz early on in the season and managed to nab both Best Picture and Best Actress nominations for Judi Dench. The final two Best Picture nominees, Dallas Buyers Club and Nebraska, largely avoided the headlines, but saw strong responses from the critics and have rewarded with five and six total nominations respectively. 

So now we get to stop speculating about the nominations and start to wonder who’ll be collecting the awards come March 2, when the winners are announced. No doubt there’ll be plenty of Oscar rumours, gossip and predictions yet to come.

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