The news has never been as dynamic as it is with Pivot’s TakePart Live series which streams live on FilmOn at 10 pm EST and 7pm PST.

The show is aimed at Millenials and tackles everything from women’s rights to the death penalty, but not in the way you might think. While Fox exists for the right wing agenda and Rachel Maddow spearheads liberal ideologies, TakePart Live aims to do what the news is supposed to do; present all sides of the story.

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The hour-long program features hosts Meghan McCain, Jacob Soboroff and Eddie Huang, who have no problem going head-to-head on the tough issues. Each host may have a different perspective on certain topics, but they keep the conversation intelligent and thought-provoking, instead of one big bitch-fest where everyone repeats the same though, ten different ways.

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Pivot’s Senior Vice President of Live Programming, Craig Parks, said, “The show goes beyond talking points and screaming matches to understand the issues, why they matter, and what you can do about them. TakePart Live is the opposite of a traditional primetime news program presenting the often nuanced sides of an argument through intelligent, unfiltered conversations with hosts and guests you just won’t see anywhere else.”

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Featured guests include Young & Reckless owner Chris “Drama” Pfaff, actor Drake Bell and actress Candace Cameron-Bure of Full House fame. The nightly show premieres Monday, May 12 at 10 pm EST.

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