At the premiere of Universal Studio’s wild new Fast and Furious ride, Vin Diesel said he was spooked by the lifelike hologram of himself before being gown away by the ride’s speed and thrills. The newest attraction at the theme park in Los Angeles incorporates hologram effects using the top of the line patented technology that created the famous Tupac Shakur hologram, the Jimmy Kimmel Country Music Awards hologram invasion and others. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Universal licensed the technology from Hologram USA.

As USA Today’s Bryan Alexander reported: “The first thing that hits you are the hologram-like images — called Pepper’s Ghost — in which the stars of the Furious franchise are close by looking very real. That’s not Diesel, Dwayne Johnson, Michelle Rodriguez or Tyrese Gibson. That’s cutting edge footage they shot last summer for the attraction. Diesel was one of the first humans to take the thrill ride during its grand opening celebration. He was pretty blown away seeing himself. His son Vincent Sinclair, 5, also had problems comprehending. As Diesel told us afterwards: ‘It was surreal. My son looked over at me during the ride and said, ‘There’s two of you.’ I’ve never had that happen to me before.'”

The newest announcement surrounding news making holograms is that controversial rapper Chief Keef will hold a concert via hologram in Chicago for the victims of a tragic murder Saturday: one of his crew, Capo, and an innocent bystander baby. The concert is sponsored by FilmOn Networks and Greek billionaire Alki David and is meant to send a message of peace to the streets of Chicago.

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