Gentlemen, start your engines: Gal Gadot is coming to a Michigan town near you.

Michigan has had it rough over the last few years: automobile industry bailouts, double-digit unemployment rates, failing school systems. Even with the state economy bouncing back, cities like Detroit and Flint aren’t exactly top tourist destinations. So what’s it going to take to save Ted Nugent and Michael Moore‘s beloved home state? Not one superhero, but two — at least.

Zack Snyder’s unofficially titled Batman vs. Superman is pumping the big bucks into Michigan’s economy in what is said to be the largest movie production in state history. The Warner Bros/DC Entertainment film is shooting in Pontiac, Mich. at Michigan Motion Picture Studios. Batman vs Superman will use all seven of the studio’s soundstages, as well as travel to various locations around the state. Filming is scheduled to begin early next year and run until August. That’s eight months of awesome and eight months of steady paychecks that a lot of locals haven’t seen in a while.

In addition to the rumored casting of the entire Justice League, Batman vs. Superman is creating more jobs for Michigan residents than any film shot in Michigan history. So far the only official casting announcements include Henry Cavill returning as Superman, Ben Affleck as Batman, and Gal Gadot kicking ass as Wonder Woman. While it’s highly unlikely that fans will catch a glimpse of their favorite DC superheroes because of the studio’s renowned high-level security, this all-star cast is the boost Michigan tourism has been dreaming about for decades. They have to leave the studio lot at some point. And in, Pontiac, a city of 60,175 people, there can only be so many places for Superman to get new tights or pick up toothpaste.

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