Hit series Fifty Shades of Grey officially sold 100 million copies as of this week.

This milestone puts the book in the same realms as the Twilight and Harry Potter series, both of which sold 120 million and 450 million copies respectively, worldwide. Fifty Shades of Grey sold 45 million copies in the U.S. alone, and has been published in 51 languages across the globe.

Whether you love it or hate it, the trilogy’s success has reached a point that is undeniable, and Twitter seems to unwillingly agree.

Not everyone approves of the book.

But no one can deny its success.

Even if they would rather not admit it.


Author E.L. James is beyond grateful.

While others aim to jump on the bandwagon.

But let’s not forget, there are plenty of other books to be read.

And when we say read, we mean read.

But just so you know, we’re still judging.

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