$54 Million Dollars Awarded By Judge Michelle Court Who Failed to Disclose her Illicit Relationships with Disgraced Lawyers Tom Girardi Congressman Adam Schiff and Gloria Allred
TVMix has received copies of FISA Court Documents filed in a Secret Washington DC Court by murdered Los Angeles Attorney Phillip Kaye. The Statements herein are extracted from the evidence put together by Lawyers whose profession was grossly impacted by Tom Girardi’s corruption of the State Bar of California. Lawyers who wish to have Phillip Kaye’s memory honored by having Tom Girardi and Gloria Allred and brought to justice. The gross misconduct in the Civil Court trial of Mahim Kahn Vs Alki David and Co is currently under investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigations.

Alki David Rage Quits When Oren J Warshavsky of Baker Hosteler demands handover of Alki David’s cellphone
Next Edition! Who is Ray Jallow and what is he doing with Kamala Harris’s money?