Star of Ridley Scott’s groundbreaking Blade Runner (1982), Steven Spielberg’s classic Indiana Jones films and the highly-beloved original Star Wars trilogy, Harrison Ford is an indisputable icon. Once a simple carpenter, Ford shifted into the world of acting, and immediately demonstrated a gift for making his characters unique — archeologist Henry Jones Jr. and intergalactic smuggler Han Solo could truly never be played by anyone else.

When Mr. Ford was asked to do a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) recently, it was a singular opportunity for fans to celebrate his work, and pose a few questions to the iconic star. Ford is currently working on a Showtime series called Years of Living Dangerously, which underscores the seriousness of climate change, a topic that he has been passionate about for quite some time. While discussing the aims of the series with fans, he also offered them a chance to walk through a few of the sticking points and memorable moments from his most biggest and most beloved movies.

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This particular AMA was quite insightful as to Harrison Ford’s life and real feelings towards fandom and his career. Here are the top five things that we learned during the event:

1. Blade Runner 2.

When asked if he would ever consider a sequel to Blade Runner, Harrison said that he might consider it. “I’m quite curious and excited about seeing a new script for Blade Runner if in fact the opportunity would exist to do another,” Ford said. “If it’s a good script I would be very anxious to work with Ridley Scott again, he’s a very talented and passionate filmmaker. And I think it would be very interesting to revisit the character.”

2. Ford is socially conscious.

An Indonesian fan passionately thanked Ford for paying attention to the issues that were going on in his country. When the young man asked the actor if he was shocked to find Indonesia in that kind of disastrous condition, Ford stated, “I wasn’t shocked by the situation in Indonesia, I’ve been involved with an organization called Conservation International for more than 20 years, and our mission has always been to try to preserve what we call the “natural capital’ of nature, because of its importance for human well-being.”

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“I was quite familiar with the issues of deforestation and the fact that some of the world’s most important standing flourishing forests were concentrated in the tropical belt around the equator,” he continued. “And many of these countries are rapidly developing like Indonesia, in which the kind of problems we talk about in Years of Living Dangerously are not untypical.”

3. Ford joined Expendables 3 – why?

Curious why Harrison Ford decided to participate in Expendables 3? Well, it was because he was involved in his Years of Living Dangerously project. As Ford tells it, it was basically just a stop-off on the way to the set! When a fan asked him about it, Ford responded, “I was on my way to Indonesia to do Years of Living Dangerously, and halfway around the world. And the location for Expendables was right on the way, and they asked me for a relatively short period of time, and it seemed like fun. I hadn’t seen the films but I looked one of them and I thought it was kind of funny, so I thought why not?”

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4. Harrison Ford vs. snakes.

So what about your aversion to snakes, Harrison? Is that fact or fiction? We know that Indiana Jones really can’t deal with them and most of polite society can’t be bothered to deal with these creatures. What is your actual stance on snakes? Apparently, Ford loves ’em. He states, “I actually like snakes! When I was young, I was a boy scout nature camp counselor, and one of our projects was collecting snakes and creating an environment for them, so I’m quite familiar with snakes and think they’re fantastic creatures.”

5. You or Greedo – who shot first, really?

“I don’t know and I don’t care,” Ford said definitively. But most importantly, beyond the “who shot first” question, we were able to establish that Harrison Ford’s favorite cheese is machego, he would win in a fight against Star Wars costar Mark Hamill (“of course”) and, when asked about who would win in a celebrity boxing match between Han Solo and Indiana Jones, the answer that was given was pure Harrison Ford: “The promoter would win.”

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While learning more about Ford’s past work as an actor is always fun, his attentiveness to this new project was itself genuinely interesting. Harrison Ford’s final take about Years of Living Dangerously being a great way to “to reach a lot of people with the story and importance of climate change in our lives” was a very necessary one. Ford observed, “in recent history there’s no bigger threat to the quality of human life than what is taking place right now in respect of climate change. So the chance to bring attention to this issue, this problem, and the potential solutions and mitigations of the problem, was a really important opportunity for me.”

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