Everybody loves a bit of chaos at a pre-fight media event, and these guys certainty delivered the goods!
In case you missed it earlier this week, boxer Ricardo Mayorga decided to get into his rival Shane Mosley’s head … by slapping the ass of his opponent’s girlfriend, right in front of him!
Boy did shit get real!!
Video of the media event has since gone viral and is continuing to attract millions of plays. Mosley’s girlfriend: “He smacked my ass! And you should have killed him when he did it!”
When the reporter questioned whether or not she was going to press charges, she responded by saying: “I don’t need to press charges, there ain’t nothing a cop’s gonna do more than what (Shane’s) gonna do… and you’re gonna beat his ass, f**king kill his ass!”
She went on to say: “I’m gonna give Mayorga an extra $10,000 to sit his ass there, with his hands behind his back and let me f***ing punch him for 5 minutes.”
Mayorga’s response was priceless.
“I’ll give her $25,000 to slap her in the ass again,” he said in Spanish. What a douche!
Well this is going to be one heck of a fight! Our money’s on Shane Mosely’s girlfriend!
Watch the hilarious clip below and then go to Filmon.com where there are live TV news channels that you can watch for free.
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