VH1’s Mob Wives is bringing reality to the courtroom with star Alicia DiMichele, who is charged with embezzlement after she pleaded guilty to aiding her husband, Edward “The Tall Guy” Garofalo in stealing union funds from his trucking company.

Spoiler alert for those who missed Season Four’s finale of the Harvey Weinstein-produced reality show, DiMichele’s trial date was postponed again, so we’ll have to wait and see how her court case actually turns out. But in the meantime Twitter, is here to amuse us.

DiMichele keeps her concerned fans up to date with court proceedings.

And her fans return with love and support.

They were probably really excited for the finale.

But many weren’t pleased with the way this season ended.

That’s okay though, because there’s always next season.

And those who are a little too obsessed with the show probably can’t wait.

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