The Winter Olympics in Sochi Russia, the event that practically everyone has been talking about, is finally here.

With all the controversy surrounding Russia’s gay propaganda law, the safety of the athletes and the safety of those attending the games it’s no surprise that everyone’s got an opinion on them.

Friday night’s opening ceremony welcomed all the athletes brought to Russia while simultaneously bringing us ugly sweaters, master ballet performances and what appeared to be an acid trip projected across the floor.

Viewers took to Twitter and gave us the rundown on their personal opinions on what some have called the “gayest” Olympic opening ceremony there ever was.

From the looks of it we’re guessing it was a lot.

Does anybody have a map?

Google’s homepage has been turned into a rainbow array of winter athletes, and Ellen approves.

P.S. Does Putin even know who T. a. T. U. is?

Then NBC’s Matt Lauer felt the need to educate the audience on the most important fact of the night.

We can only hope.

And then the acid trip started.

Along with some expected confusion.

In the end, we’re kind of disappointed, too.

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