Up and coming musician B Howard has been the center of media attention since DNA results may – or may not, according to many – have confirmed he is Michael Jackson’s biological son. (TV Mix was on the scene when they were first opened at FilmOn Studios yesterday. Read a complete account here).

Throughout the entire thing, the Jackson family has remained quiet, at least that’s the way it seems to be on social media. But between “Billie Jean” references, debate over the legitimacy of Howard’s test results and Corey Feldman’s rants, there’s enough going around on Twitter to keep us entertained for hours.

Some MJ fan twitters refuse to acknowledge the buzz.

While B Howard’s team lent support.

Well, nothing gets more legitimate than that.

Corey Feldman went on numerous rants that you know were serious because they were in all capital letters.

Then there was the speculation.


And apparently not everyone was happy about the results.

While the rest of us just can’t get that song out of our heads.

You might also like:
Does Michael Jackson have a 31-year-old son named B Howard?
B Howard confirmed by FilmOn to be Michael Jackson’s biological son
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