To pay tribute to those lost and hurt in the Boston bombings, the city and many others gathered on Tuesday in strength and support.
The one year anniversary of the tragic event that killed three and injured more than 200 was filled with mixed emotions as those hurt found support from those in attendance. Vice President Joe Biden spoke at the invite-only event and gushed over the strength of the city of Boston, saying, “”We are Boston. We are America. We respond. We endure. We overcome. And we own the finish line.”
The big tribute that seems to be speaking louder than words though, is the Boston Globe photograph taken of those survivors, first responders, store owners, runners and political figures standing at the finish line in the middle of Boylston Street in the exact spot where so much had taken place a year before.
As the Globe pointed out, “Nobody wanted to leave,” once the photo shoot was done. Although there were no other events taking place on Sunday when the photo was taken, it seemed that, “They wanted to be there. Maybe even needed to be there.”
Bringing people together is often one of the main objectives of a tribute, and in this case it wasn’t to mourn or form a pity party. Instead, the Globe showed its city’s best attributes in this simple photo: strength, resilience and the ability to see beyond tragedy.
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