Inset at the end: Smoking Gun in a Search Warrant executed Feb 21 2012 when Kamala Harris was Attorney General of California living in Los Angeles.

As Attorney General of California, Harris illegally ordered the search of a respected writer Simon Levi’s home, at the request of disgraced and disbarred Attorney, Tom Girardi.

At the time Leslie Brodie was a vocal critic of the Supreme Court of California and the Girardi Judges. Brodie highlighted this crooked Search Warrant, one of many that were made available to TVMIX. This one targets one Simon Levi a Yolo, California resident who was critical of Tom Girardi and the State Bar.

Brodie’s posts exposed the Girardi Judges and officials at the State Bar. He also exposed the murder of Attorney Phil Kay who was killed defending the rights of gay lawyers affected by Girardi’s corruption of the courthouses. Girardi affected the entire legal apparatus of the State Bar of California.

In the Search Warrant, Harris’s office is expressly ordering the removal of any information pertaining to Tom Girardi and others, from Levi’s home. Others included members of the State Bar of California including Joe Dunn, the then head of the Bar.

Tom Girardi is now known to have corrupted the Supreme Court of California beyond measure. In other cases, he has been found guilty by Federal Courts of stealing many millions of dollars from his clients’ award money.

Tom Girardi – feigning Alzheimer’s in a West LA Retirement Home. And it’s not the first time!

Girardi was made famous for being the lawyer depicted in the movie Erin Brockovich. He is also married to NBC Beverly Hills Housewife, Eryka Jayne. The couple has allegedly split, and Tom is hiding in a West LA old pensioner’s home claiming to be suffering from Alzheimer’s. Despite his own Doctor admitting to us that Girardi is lying.



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