With the Alabama Senate-seat election happening now and the battle over Roy Moore’s past, celebrity-attorney Gloria Allred and her questionable methods are national news. Whatever you think of President Donald Trump singling her out for the alterations to Moore’s signature in a high school girl’s yearbook,saying, “Anytime you see her you know something’s going wrong,” the fact that she’s being investigated in a probe by the California State Bar for allegedly offering bribes to a witness in exchange for testimony against entertainment mogul Alki David–is very troubling.
Allred is already being investigated by the CA and Washington D.C. Bars for double dealing: representing a client (badly), against a network she was in negotiations with over a TV deal.
The new inquiry was opened by the Bar two weeks ago, according to the Los Angeles Business Journal and is based on sworn testimony by Malik Spellman, who got a call from someone associated with Allred’s office who offered him money to say he saw sexual harassment while working at David’s company FilmOn. Spellman said he never saw such behavior, but the voice continued to offer him money to change his story. (Allred has denounced the allegation, and asserts that her firm, Allred, Maroko & Goldberg has never offered money for testimony.) At press time, more ex-employees have come forward with allegations that Allred’s office had attempted to bribe them. David’s legal team is verifying their accounts.
Allred, along with her daughter, Lisa Bloom (disgraced for defending Harvey Weinstein in exchange for a lucrative TV deal), have been spearheading an attack on Alki David, the CEO of FIlmOn and Hologram USA. Having learned of a previous settlement of what seemed like a nuisance suit, the Allred-Bloom machines circled like vultures, using hard ball tactics–according to sworn depositions–to convince more employees to come up with negative stories.
David’s attorney Barry K. Rothman told TV Mix that the State Bar has confirmed it is opening an inquiry into Allred’s firm’s conduct in the matter. After hearing what Spellman experienced, Rothman felt that it was his duty to notify the bar of the allegations. He added that he didn’t report the allegation to hurt anyone, but felt it was important to inform the bar of Spellman’s concerns. David offered us this YouTube link where he recorded Mr. Spellman.
Spellman worked as an independent contractor for FilmOn and Hologram USA in 2010 and 2011. In his sworn declaration he stated that a man who claimed to work for Allred’s law office called him in October. The man allegedly asked Spellman how long he worked for David, how much he was paid and what his relationship was like with the billionaire. Spellman also explained that the man solicited him as a witness in the case and stated that if he helped Allred’s firm in the litigation against his former boss, he could receive money.

The alleged attempt to bribe Spellman came after Former sales executives Chasity Jones and Elizabeth Taylor claimed in Los Angeles Superior Court that the Beverly Hills heir to a Coca-Cola bottling fortune sexually harassed them when they worked for his companies. Sources close to FilmOn reveal that Allred and Blooms “star” witnesses have all failed to corroborate anything remotely close to sexual harassment and that Taylor’s accusations are flatly denied by other witness depositions. Texts by the women obtained by Rothman, show that the earlier settlement led them to believe they could get a quick payday out of David, without having to prove their claims.
Elizabeth Taylor is something of a shape shifter, as her Instagram shows–with Wildenstein-level face alterations and body swaps going on all the time.
The latest person to be egged on by greed is ex-FilmOn employee Karl Zipel, who claims he was discriminated against for being gay. Zipel worked at the company for years, was always “out”, and well loved around the office. David says he paid him well and gave him opportunities to travel and advance. Zipel spoke of his sexuality quite frequently and even sent texts to David bragging about having 4-way gay sex in public bathroom stalls. Hologram USA says Zipel was fired with cause for failure to execute his duties.