Oh dear, it seems like Katy Perry’s Ma and Pa have let slip that the pop queen war is far from over.

It’s been the biggest battle since Oprah decided to tackle the fat around her ass, now it seems Katy and Taylor have lots more s**t about to hit the fan.

For some reason Perry’s parents were being interviewed by Grazia magazine yesterday. When asked about the Taylor feud, Papa Perry ‘Keith’ told the British magazine: “You know it ain’t over yet.”

Then her momma, Mary Hudson, chimed in: “Katy released ‘Rise’. It says, ‘My feet have been put to the fire but I will rise.’ That’s what she’s about right now.”

That presumably means she’s going to rise on Taylor’s ass and beat it with a stick of rhubarb.

Ginger Clam can’t really remember why the star pair first started fighting, we think it was something to do with Taylor allegedly stealing Katy’s backing dancers.

Then Calvin Harris reignited matters a few weeks ago by tweeting about his ex’s vendetta against Katy. Ah, who cares.

Ginger Clam wants to speak to Taylor’s parents to get their insight, we called at their house but they released the dogs and told us to f**k off. Quite right too.

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