In a tech business move that everyone is talking about, Facebook’s founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, is set to acquire the free mobile messaging service WhatsApp for a total of $19 Billion.

According to NPR, $16 billion of the purchase comes in cash and stock. The additional $3 billion is in Facebook stock for the employees of WhatsApp…all 55 of them. The small team runs this free app that seems to be hugely popular outside of America, where text messaging rates can be exorbitantly high.

In less than five years, WhatsApp gained 450 million users, supposedly posing the app as a threat to Facebook, which just celebrated its 10th birthday on Feb. 4.

In the time since Zuckerberg broke the news, Twitter has lit up with conversations about the move. Here’s what users have to say about Facebook trying to rule the internet.

We’re guessing WhatsApp is pretty excited.

But that’s not the case for everyone else.

And just in case you’re still not sure what it is.

We’re almost positive Zuckerberg has a plan to rule the world, or maybe just the internet.

Austin Powers will always be relevant.

But these corny jokes we’re not so sure about.

Even kids know that’s a whole lot of cash.

And if you’re talking about the Olympics or civil unrest in Ukraine, no one cares.

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