It’s a parent’s worst nightmare to lose control of their stroller, unless of course there’s a fake baby inside it – in which case the agony lies with worried onlookers.

In a pretty harsh prank on the public, Finnish jokers ‘The Dudesons’ went out to give innocent bystanders a shock.

Their stunt revolves around what looks like a dad going for a stroll with his baby – but he suddenly falls in the most dramatic way possible and his pram goes flying down a hill!

The resulting prank video has become a hit on content-sharing sites, where it is currently notching up hundreds of thousands of plays.

As pedestrians see what they believe to be a baby rolling out of control in the pram they panic and run to save it, but when they reach the cart they realise that there’s no real child.

The confusion on the people’s faces is priceless, as they don’t quite know whether to be relieved because no one was hurt, or f***ing furious because they’ve been hoodwinked!

Watch the prank – which also features the fake baby getting hit by a car – below, and for more great clips visit

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