Gloria Allred Traffics Clients Live On The Internet

Live With Mark Levin

Gloria Allred Traffics And Exposes Her Clients To Jail Time Extradition and Expulsion. She’s the ultimate predator idiot.

“Ever wanted to find out who Gloria Allred really is? Well in this hilarious trolling of Allred; Gloria is as per usual unafraid of exposing herself in plain sight because she’s been convinced by her own bullshit that she is “untouchable”. This is what British Billionaire and Media Provocateur Alki David said of Allred and her daughter Lisa Bloom in a recent TV interview.

David recently submitted this video “a smidgen of what she’s really up to” he insists; This along with a ton of evidence on personal matters went to the FBI and CID officers conducting the investigation on Allred and Scam Inc.

And yes readers, Gloria Allred, Lisa Bloom, Tom Girardi with their Fake Me Too Clients; Are Indeed under Investigation by the FBI and the CID!

“I know these people well,”  continued David. “Over five years of investigations has brought me to the conclusion that Gloria Allred is actually not as smart as she makes out. I would go as far as to say that she has a soft brain like her daughter Lisa Bloom. Sadly they are stupid people to be underestimated. Lisa Bloom the daughter, well she probably has a soft and deformed brain. She is that stupid.”

The video exposes Gloria Allred’s abuse of the law where she systemically throws her own clients under the bus for some media attention.  Levin’s jujitsu is deft and quickly exposes Allred, a registered California lawyer who is willing to criminally traffic clients to get some media attention. In this instance, it was a low-income worker that she chose to throw to the dogs buried by tons of criminal liability.

In other news: Gloria is now telling everyone who will listen that even though she says she knows nothing about Tom Girardi and although his fall from grace is “shocking”, she has only been close friends with Tom for just over 40 years. Since they both graduated from Loyola Law School, that is.

Gloria maintains that she knows nothing about Tom’s wife Erika Jayne or of her Beverly Hills Housewives fame. By the way, Erika is also running around LA throwing Tom under the bus.  But a Chicago Judge seems to think that Erika Jayne is actually holding the handicapped Kids’ dough and instructed the Kid’s parents to chase Erika Jayne down for it.

Erika Jayne apparently is completely unknown to Gloria. Or at least that’s what Gloria is saying now in 2021. Seems her soft brain made her forget she went out that night in 2015 to the LGBT Press Club gala. Oh… and yes with one Erika Jayne Girardi. Gloria and Erika cuddled for multiple pictures before and after. There’s a little nugget that’s a little difficult to ride away on a wave of lies and perversion of justice, Gloria.


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