Dear President Trump
Prior to our meeting this week I would like to annotate the points of our discussions. As discussed with your Team I will be also bringing with me a highly qualified group of Lawyers and Whistleblowers with intimate knowledge of the white-collar Crime-wave that is tearing our beautiful State of California apart “The Supreme Court of California and State Bar of California has been grossly corrupted by the crime syndicate led by Tom Girardi and Congressman Adam Schiff and others.
In his campaign of corruption spanning some 50 years, Girardi corrupted the LA County Sheriff’s office by collaborating with former Sherrif Leroy Baca who has since served three years in a state pen on corruption charges. Baca was just released but is once again under FBI Investigation for his collaboration in reselling impounded drugs back to the Cartels.
At the heart of the scandal, which is now widely reported in the popular media, is a Network of Law Firms manipulated by Girardi and Schiff. By Bribing and corrupting Judges and Officials at The State Bar of California along with their now well-known henchmen Layton and Noonan and former head of State Bar, Joe Dunn and others. Additionally, Girardi is well known to have been Governor Gavin Newsom’s biggest financial contributor. Gavin Newsom is in fact a material witness in these matters.
Schiff and now disgraced former Sherrif Baca are at the heart of the wiretapping scandal. Once the wiretapping operation being run illegally at the Sherrif’s Dept was threatened, Schiff moved the criminal operation to University of California at Irvine where it still operates today wiretapping bugging and snooping on personal data and devices on behalf of Adam Schiff et al.
The approval of many completely unqualified and unlikely candidates such as Judge Michelle Court. She originally met Gloria Allred and Tom Girardi when Court went to Allred for legal advice over her husband “beating” her. Just for this alone Court would never have been considered for the Los Angeles Superior Court in the first place.
The State Bar of California, the Civil extension of the Supreme Court of California once led by disgraced former Chief Justice George is also embroiled in the Girardi, Schiff Scandal.
Supreme Court of California controls State Bar of California