naked truth

Maybe you were fooled once or twice yesterday. If so, we have the antidote: watching those much more humorously and fabulously foolish than you. From FilmOn’s free VoD service,  I recommend The Naked Truth, aka Your Past Is Showing (1957), starring Terry-ThomasPeter Sellers and Dennis Price.

You might know Terry-Thomas from his hilarious turns in It’s A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963) and Those Daring Young Men and Their Jaunty Jalopies (1969), or perhaps the 1968 cult classic Danger Diabolik; but here we see  the gap-toothed comic during his classic British period, where he honed a character closer to an upper class and subtler version of John Cleese’s later Basil Fawlty than Dastardly Dan.

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One could almost say the same about Sellers here as well. Soon to enjoy more stateside success than his co-star, here he is arguably at his best form, playing a multitude of richly nuanced costumed comic characters that would make Clouseau look like a Javanese shadow puppet.

Their nemesis, the blackmailing publisher of the titular scandal sheet, is played by Price, who is barely known at all in the US, but has impeccable film credentials, from the classic Kind Hearts and Coronets to the cult Vampyros Lesbos to a couple on FilmOn’s VOD service: Victim and Twins of Evil. Further strong, female support comes from Peggy Mount (Oliver!), future ‘golden’ Bond girl Shirley Eaton and Georgina Cookson (Danger Man, Darling).

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The plot of Naked Truth does well to show just how convoluted and nuanced foolishness can be. Price serves as the pied piper of payola to a motley crew of rats too intelligent for their own good. The surprise ending should also ensure this film could provide some good name suggestions to Goodyear in their naming contest.

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