If you’ve been skeptical or even disgusted by the news media’s coverage of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight 370, you may be shocked at another airline’s revelation where a different plane turned up.

On Monday morning, US Airways responded to a customer complaint on Twitter, saying “We welcome feedback, Elle. If your travel is complete, you can detail here for review and follow up.” Unfortunately, a photo accompanied that statement – on in which a naked woman is lying on a bed with a model airplane inserted into her vagina.

We have chosen not to publish the image involving the toy 777 on TV Mix, but you can see the uncensored, extremely-NSFW image by clicking here.

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Ironically, just a few minutes earlier, another tweet insisted that there “are no bots” or automated responses issued from the account.

While the picture got circulated on social media and picked up by news outlets, US Airways took almost an hour to notice and take it down. In that time, it was retweeted more than 500 times.

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Subsequently, US Airways apologized for the incident, also via Twitter:


Suffice it to say that the airline screwed up considerably, but at the very least it seems like it may have accidentally invented a new turn of phrase for those times when you put your foot in your mouth (so to speak) on social media.

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