Couples pranking each other seems to be extremely common nowadays, but this guy may have taken it a little bit too far.

In a truly mean hoax against his wife, a husband pretended to accidentally throw their son across a balcony during a play fight. The subsequent prank video has since become cult viewing on social media sites.

It all starts when the woman comes home to find her man and their two sons upstairs, playing games. The youngest kid is dressed in a Spiderman costume which covers his face.

The man of the house then asks his wife to bring them a bottle of water and while she is fetching it, they swap one of the sons with a doll dressed in the exact same Spiderman costume.

You can guess what happens next. When the wife returns, the ‘kid’ goes flying over the rail and plummets down to the ground floor.

The woman naturally panics and sprints down to the body, where she finally realises it’s all a prank. She reacts in both disgust and anger, and to be honest- you can’t really blame her!

Watch the video below and for more great footage go to – where there are thousands of great clips to choose from.


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