Steven Hirsch (pictured above) – the adult entertainment tycoon who offered Kylie Jenner money to shoot a sex tape with boyfriend Tyga – has reportedly turned his attention to the man with the world’s largest weener.

Roberto Esquivel Cabrera is the dude who holds the global record for the longest dong, supporting a 19 inch piece weighing an astonishing two pounds (we know this because he was recently filmed whilst having it weighed) !!

That’s almost a kilo of dick – or to put it another way, Roberto is walking around with the equivalent of nearly eight Big Macs in his pants.

No wonder women are too scared to have sex with him. However it looks like his luck’s about to change…

TMZ recently reported that Hirsch (Head of Vivid Entertainment: see video of him below) has offered to pay for correctional surgery that will transform Cabrera’s giant rod into a more manageable size. What a hero!

Apparently Hirsch is hoping Cabrera will star in a film, but he’s willing to help him out regardless. So far, the reports are unconfirmed and we understand that no formal agreement has been reached, but here at Ginger Clam we’ll ask our cock correspondent to monitor the case.

You can see footage of Roberto weighing his dick (which is tastefully wrapped in a sack bandage) on YouTube – but be warned, it’ll give you one hell of a fright and also make you feel seriously inadequate (plus we wouldn’t recommend viewing it in work).

To see the footage click here (warning adult content)

Meanwhile, if you love crazy shit then head to – the anti-social site where a guy once stapled his balls to a table in the name of entertainment. Plus you might also like to read the following:

Game, Set, Snatch

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Meanwhile here’s video of Hirsch talking about sex tapes in general:


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