While Janice Dickinson is known for her numerous surgeries — and her willingless to talk about them — her newest body mod is not cosmetic in nature, but actually an interesting device meant for pain management.

According to Dickinson, she suffered a concussion while running errands. The “world’s first supermodel”, FilmOn TV host and reality TV show extraordinaire reportedly had a large metal pole fall and hit her in the head and knocked her unconscious in the parking garage of a Rite-Aid. Radar Online reported on the device with exclusive first pictures of Dickinson’s ear.

The lasting results included a lot of spinal pain. She was unable to participate in several Fashion Week activities and has impacted her involvement in a number of film projects. Dickinson is suing over the incident.

To manage her pain, she’s had a P-STIM batterly implant installed behind her ear. The device uses electrical impulses to stimulate her nervous system via a series of strategically positioned pins.

Janice discusses her battery with FilmOn founder Alki David on her show, filmed live at the FilmOn studios in Beverly Hills and broadcast for free on the Internet. She showed the battery around the six-minute mark, and then starts talking about how she thinks FilmOn should film her next breast surgery. Some things never change.

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